
Sunday Dessert.

So, I made these little babies on Sunday night.

Here's How:

FIRST: Combine the peel and juice of one blood orange, a cup of sugar and 1/4 cup of water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. After cooling, refrigerate mixture overnight.

SECOND: The following day, strain the peel from the syrup and measure out a 1/4 of the syrup. Set aside.

THIRD: Half one blood orange and scoop out the fruit, leaving only the 'shell' of the orange.

FOURTH: Toast 1/2 cup almonds.

FIFTH: Whip 2 cups of heavy cream with the measured 1/4 cup of syrup mixture, until forming stiff peaks.

SIXTH: Fill the orange 'shells' with mixture & top with almonds.


Notes: The instructions I gave differ from the actual recipe because I only wanted 2 servings for hubby and I, instead of the recipe's yielding of 4 servings.

I followed this how-to for toasting the almonds.


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