
Happy Birthday, Husband!

So, this morning when I got up, I began working on J's birthday cupcakes

I decided on chocolate cupcakes filled with a miniature Reese's baked inside with peanut butter cream cheese frosting. J loves peanut butter, so I thought it was a great plan. :)

The cupcakes were easy enough, but working with peanut butter is always tricky, because it always seems to be a sticky mess that sticks on everything. Nevertheless, they turned out pretty darn good and J even has extras to take into work tomorrow. I kind of feel like the mom who sends their kid to school with enough cupcakes for their little birthday guy or gal. I just know I can't look at them too long without them calling out to me to have 'just a little bite..' because we all know it is never just a little bite. 

After baking the cupcakes, I noticed the sun was shining today, which is always wonderful. We are lucky to have sunshine on the days we do, because in Germany in the winter, it is mostly darker during the majority of the days. So, I opened the patio curtains and put little Dubbie's couch in front of the sun, so he could get some good ole Vitamin C. He loves sunning himself!

Today, I did a different set of work-outs than normal. I just finished BodyRocktv's 30 Day Challenge, which I enjoyed. Today they did not have a new work-out up for this month, so I tried ToneItUp's Sweet and Sexy Valentine's Day Work-out. It was so fun and it definitely worked some areas that don't always get the attention needed and I felt it afterwards. They also incorporated some really cutesy little heart moves and other fun V Day related moves. I also did Pilates on the Balance Ball and a hula dance work-out. I wanted a little something different and I really enjoyed some new stuff today!

So, I cooked a cheddar cheese soup for the birthday boy and we had Prosciutto ham sammies to go with for dinner.

I got J some goodies from American Eagle, in anticipation of spring! Lots of fun brights!

Here are a few photos of the birthday boy and Dublin. :)

'No, Daddy, I am not in your lap eyeing your cupcake...'

And, one of me. Excuse the messiness/clutter in the living room. It has been a busy week!



TX Margaret said...
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TX Margaret said...

Happy Birthday to J! The cupcakes and food looks REALLY good!