
King Cake love!

J had his Dad ship over 2 King Cakes from Tubbs Hardware in Bossier City, Louisiana. I have had a couple of cakes out of New Orleans and I prefer these from Northwest LA! 

What do I love about this particular cake and the ones Tubbs produces?

a. they are super moist
b. they use cream cheese frosting on the top, instead of powdered sugar glaze.
c. they taste so flippin' good!

Short story.
So, the first time J and I had one of Tubbs King cakes, we won it from a local radio station. We were on our way to Colorado for a ski trip during J's Mardi Gras break from school (in Louisiana, instead of Spring Break, they give the students a Mardi Gras break as they knew all their students would not be at school during this time..) So, anyway, J picked up the cake from the station in route to picking me up from work and driving straight through to Colorado. So, we won one with a pecan praline cream cheese filling. Oh my goodness! We ate that thing for breakfast and anytime in between. ADDICTING! Anywho..they are wonderful!

We shared our little King Cake with one of our friends after the parade and it was a hit!

I guess I should also let you all know that I only had one piece and the rest of that cake (a girl's got to watch her figure. :)) and the other were taken to work with J, for his Mardi Gras lunch with his co-workers. J cooked some {amazing} gumbo and took it in as well.

Happy Mardi Gras, y'all!

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