
101 in 1001.

This is a list of 101 things I would like to do in 1001 days. :) I will update, shortly. :)

1. Finish my Photography degree. [Completed]
2. Buy a media card reader, for my USB Port. [Completed, bought a laptop with a card reader. :)]
3. Design my own line of clothing.
4. Make jewelry out of the clay I have had almost a year, now.
5. Create a logo for my photography business. [Completed]
6. Decide whether or not I want a job, before the end of the year. [Completed]
7. Take a honeymoon, finally. [Completed 12/08]
8. See the ball drop on New Years' in Times Square. [Completed 1/1/09]
9. Find out if it is, in fact, too late to learn to perform traditional (Irish) set and céilí dances.
10. Do project 365 with my photography. [Currently working on this]
11. Get canvas prints of my photography.
12. Learn to sew.
13. Eat at the Blue Moon Diner, in Baltimore, MD. [Completed, 7/12/09]
14. Have blueberry pancakes at Eastern Market, on a Saturday morning. [I had crepes instead. :)]
15. Ride the Metro, by myself. [Completed]
16. Complete a 26 Things project, all on places/things in DC.
17. Create an actual photography website. [In the process]
18. Shoot a deployment return/reunion. [Completed 1/09]
19. Create my own camera bag, and use it. [Completed]
20. Get a piggybank. Fill it.
21. Don't be afraid to take tons of photos at Eastern Market's produce section. [Completed]
22. Buy some Louboutin's, or atleast pick out the ones I will some day, have. [Completed]
23. Make my own fashion blog.
24. Actually finish a scrapbook, I start. [Completed]
25. Make a montage of photos from Boy Scout Camp. [Completed, slideshows with Jason Summer 2009]
26. Make a tribute of photos, of my Dad.
27. Buy more filters for my camera lenses. [Completed 8-4-08]
28. Get some abs.
29. Stop procrastinating. [Completed]
30. Frame and sale some of my work.
31. Actually rock my PINK wedding shoes. :D
32. Step up from my Pilates Beginning Mat workout, and onto the Weight Loss one.
33. Memorize the Hula dance from my video and perform it for anyone who cares. ;)
34. Start journaling, again.
35. Write a new poem.
36. Lose 10 pounds, before Christmas. [Completed]
37. Actually weigh myself. [Completed 8-08]
38. Realize that no matter what I weigh, I look good, already. It ain't nuttin' but a number. [Completed]
39. Work at camp, atleast one more summer. [Completed]
40. Set up a darkroom.
41. Learn Spanish, with Rosetta Stone. I guess it doesn't have to be with The Stone. :)
42. Get my camera's lighting right at night, and take a great photo of DC at night. [Completed]
43. Memorize, for the most part, my camera's manual, so I can use my camera to it's maximum potential. :)
44. Take my Tripod out of its box, and use it. [Completed 09/08]
45. Pay off my Victoria's Secret card, whose balance is high, only because Semi Annual just passed. Normally it is always zeroed out.
46. Make my own mean cup of Chai tea.
47. Make some specialty cupcakes for the guys Jason works with. [Completed]
48. Branch out and try to meet new people. [Completed]
49. Get to know the neighbors, better. [Completed]
50. Use watermarks/graphics on my photos. [Completed]
51. Take my Mom to Eastern Market. [Completed 09/08]
52. Buy some of the beautiful flowers they sell at the Market. [Completed]
53. Get better at graphics. [Completed]
54. Create and buy my own items from Cafe Press. :)
55. Make up my own recipes. [Completed]
56. Host a dinner party and be an amazing hostess. [Completed]
57. Make an apron.
58. Sell my stuff at Eastern Market.
59. Make a cord bracelet.
60. Bring some more Blue Bell back up to DC, next time I go down South.
61. Set up my own backdrop. [Completed]
62. Set up in faery set.
63. Have a fashion photoshoot.
64. Design my own lingerie line.
65. Learn to play Cribbage.
66. Create my own artwork, aside from photography.
67. Have frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity3 in NYC. [Visited Serendipity3, 1/09]
68. Go to Central Park. [Completed 1/09]
69. Have a cupcake at Magnolia Bakery or Billy's Bakery, in NYC. [2 cupcakes from Magnolia, 1/09]
70. Identify 100 things that make me happy.
71. See the lighting of a Christmas tree in DC. [Completed, Alexandria, 11/08]
72. Go to a Nats game. [Completed Summer 2009]
73. Keep in touch with friends, better. [Completed]
74. Get my Look Book up to speed.
75. Make my own lists of fashion rules I live by. [Completed]
76. Make my own soap.
77. Go to Thrift Shops in this area. [Completed]
78. Get a 'Go-to' bag. [Completed 8-1-08]
79. Make my own body scrub.
80. Make my own lip gloss.
81. Create a portfolio of my work.
82. Learn how to tie a bandana on my head, correctly.
83. Enter my photos in contests. [Completed 09/08]
84. Make my own biscotti.
85. Take some new black and white photos.
86. Catch up with an old friend. [Completed 10/08]
87. Organize my bookmarks, on Firefox. [Completed]
89. Make artwork for walls. [Completed]
90. Create photo collage on walls. [Completed]
91. Create a theme for the random, upstairs spare room.
92. Make my own cupcake recipe.
93. Decide on kids' names. [Completed]
94. Decide where we would like to move, after DC. [Completed]
95. Go to the Maryland Renaissance Festival. [Completed]
96. Visit the National Cathedral. [Completed]
97. Visit atleast one Embassy.
98. Take a tour of the Capitol City Brewery. [Completed]
99. Go to Georgetown. [Completed 12/08]
100. Take Jason to the Spy Museum.
101. Get a GREAT fireworks shot. [Completed, NYC, 1/01/09]

1 comment:

Victoria O'Neal said...

Hello hello! Miss you and love you!!!!