
What Happens in a Year?

Jason and I have been living in Germany almost a year and a half now. Honestly, most of the time, it seems like we just arrived.

The anticipation of moving here was so intense for me. I had a lot going on in my mind and life, at the time. Then to put an overseas move atop all the craziness in my mind, it was pretty overwhelming. The first couple of months were definitely a trying and learning experience in so many ways. Thankfully, we were able to get settled and into a routine and really take in this experience and enjoy all that it has brought into our lives.

I say all this to say, it has been largely wonderful to live here and experience this country and all the other places our travels have taken us. 

Living here has allowed me time to figure out who I am and what matters to me. 

I am learning to relax and not worry so much about the things I have no control over. One thing I know to be true, is how short life is. I have a couple of 'mottos' I live by, and one is you get one life, make it count. I don't want to waste mine.

I am not the same person I was a year and a half ago and I think that's a good thing. I have learned so much about myself. I have had to make tough decisions regarding people in my life that maybe didn't need to be in my life anymore. Friendship, to me, is about sharing your life with someone, mutually. I feel that if that is not what is going on, then, sometimes it is best to let your paths unwind and go each in a separate way. It is not a hateful thing, it's just a part of life. At some point, people change and sometimes the people you become don't work well together, anymore. 

On that same note, I think it is so important to spend time with people who make you better, who inspire you. And, I want to be someone who inspires others, as well.

AND..I just want to say that this is how I feel right now. You might read other things on this blog and see how I may have felt during a particular time in my life and that may not be where I am today and it might not be how I believe or what I believe any longer. I think that's important to note. 

Okay, that's enough of seriousness. I hope to post some more of recent trips and such this week and I hope everyone enjoys seeing the photos!

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