
Think You Have it Bad?

First off, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, this is my blog and this is how I feel. And, any time you come to my page, you are entering into a place that I reflect, vent or share my life with you. You have been forewarned for future reference. :)

During the holiday season, many people reflect on what they are thankful for, but this year, more than ever, I have been so disappointed by people I have come in to contact with or am familiar with. I don't mean this in a hateful way. I hope it is not taken that way. I just mean that it hurts my heart to know that people I know are going through things that most people can not even begin to imagine, so hearing about people and their selfish, petty 'problems', just isn't on my list of things I care to hear about. My heart hurts. It hurts for people who have or are experiencing the magnitude of losing a parent, a child or spouse. Losses that cannot be compared to any other loss. Friends who are spending their Holiday season apart from their family members, because they are protecting you and I, and the freedom that so many take for granted. Most of them, serving in places that are not safe, places where the next moment is a gamble and they know that they are blessed to still be alive.

I don't understand how people get so absorbed in their petty and selfish lives that they can't see that other people have it so much worse. I know that may be such a cliche, but that is the best way I know of putting it. I know that life is hard. I really do. I just know that people have it worse than I. I know that there are people hurting more than I could even imagine. I know that where I don't have my Dad to spend the holidays with, I did have him. I did have time with him, and that was such a blessing. I have learned to appreciate what I had, instead of focusing on the loss. Yes, it hurts. All the time. No, it doesn't go away. I just know my Dad would want me to experience life as he did, to the fullest. He wasn't one to complain and whine about life, and he definitely had some hard times and sacrificed a lot to give to his family, but one thing I can tell you about him, is that he never forgot that someone always had it worse, and he helped others in anyway he could, even when times were hard for him.

A family so very special to me, experienced such a great loss, and it is such a blessing to me to see how they are relying on God through it all. They don't complain. Of course it hurts, but they don't feel sorry for themselves. I am so thankful to all the people they have been blessed with being able to rely on, but a bit disappointed in people that I thought would be there. I wish I could personally give a hug or a smile. Or just be there. I just wish the people who are there would realize that my friend needs someone to be there. I would give anything to be there, but can't.

I have a sweet friend who is blessed with the pregnancy of her first child. She keeps so positive and so focused on the amazing thing God has blessed her and her husband with and I haven't once heard her complain. No, her pregnancy has not been easy. It is so wonderful that she chooses to give thanks, instead of complaining. So, yes, it is possible to be pregnant and be positive, simultaneously. I just wish others would stop being so focused on their mindset that they have it so bad. That no one else has experienced pregnancy as bad as they. You are blessed with something many women may never get to experience, pregnancy. Your own child. God entrusted you with a wonderful miracle that is a child. Please, focus on that.

So, I ask all of you, please take time, reflect on things, and ask yourself whether the thing you are complaining about really is THAT bad. I am confident that most of the time, it isn't. Are you really 'depressed' or just upset that everything isn't all going your way? If God made everything easy, we wouldn't appreciate what we are given, what we are blessed with. We would glide through life and expect everything to be peachy and wonderful. We would have no need to give thanks.

So, give thanks, because someone else DOES have it worse than you. ALWAYS.

If you still don't believe me, go here. Or here. Or here.

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