
On The Eve of a New Year.

My fun flannel pj pants from the PINK! collection.

Yummy fried rice with Sweet Fire chicken and Orange Chicken from Panda Express. :)

Blood oranges from Natalie's Mom and Dad in Florida.

How perfect. I won't ruin it with my own words..

Sparkly nail polish! I rocked this straight glitter polish for our entire Disney vacation as well.

Jason and I spent our evening in, watching movies until Rockin' Eve came on. It's hard to believe that we were in NYC a year ago, having the time of our lives. We watched the city's fireworks from the old Navy base we stayed on in Staten Island.

We spent our NYE this year in our pjs and enjoying take-out. I also made us some blood orange punch, by mixing blood orange soda with ginger ale and frozen sliced blood oranges to keep it chilled. It was delicious! I am on a new blood orange kick, after having them when we visited with our friends' families in Florida.

I am so excited for all the wonderful things to come in 2010 and I hope it is wonderful for you all, as well!

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