
Life is too short.

Life is too short to keep people in your life that do not have your best interests at heart. Too short for people who cannot grow up enough to understand that sometimes people need to go their separate ways for the good of all involved. Too short to keep people around who only bring you down.

In the last few years, I have changed, for the better. I am by no means perfect, but I choose not to waste the short amount of time that I am blessed to be on this Earth, being miserable.

I do not expect people to always understand or agree with the decisions I make, but I don't feel that anyone needs to understand. I make decisions that I feel are best for me and my little family. That is what matters to me.

I do not intentionally set out to hurt people with the things I do or say and if they have, I do apologize for that. I do hope if I have, you will tell me. I truly believe unless you are aware of something you are doing that is hurting other people, you cannot fix the problem.

Life is just too short to waste time being angry or upset. So, I choose not to let things other people do bring me down. There is far too much good in this life to waste it by not appreciating all the wonderful things God has given me.

Life is just too short.


Doris said...

Right on. Very well said. You wrote all the thoughts I have had this past year on frinedships and toxic people. I was just not as eloquent as you in putting it out there. I may have to quote you one of these days.

thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Hannah said...
