
2 Years in the Making..


This is a photo of me at my heaviest. No, I was not pregnant. In three years, I put on 50+ pounds. How? Not exercising regularly, not having good habits and eating whatever/whenever I wanted. 

Today, going back through these photos from the last 2 years was really hard. Looking at these photos makes me want to cry, because I really cannot believe I did not realize how much weight I had put on. 

I am posting these photos because I want people to know that hard work does pay off.

When I realized how much weight I had put on in 3 months working in Athens at summer camp alone (15-20 pounds), I knew something had to give. My eating habits were out of control. I weighed more than I had ever weighed. My clothes weren't fitting. And, the last straw was going to try on jeans after camp was over only to find I was 2 sizes larger than what I thought I was, instead of 1.

In September of 2009, I weighed 165 pounds. I had no muscle. I had no endurance. And, I had no energy. I was tired, ALL THE TIME.

So, I began working out with the Wii fit. I also took walks around the neighborhood. After a few months, I jogged a little, too. I stopped eating everything I wanted, whenever I wanted. I did not have second helpings everytime I had a meal. I stopped having multiple desserts. I stopped mindlessly eating and tried to think about what I was eating.

By December 2009, I had lost about 15 pounds.






By March, I had lost about 25 pounds. I was still doing Wii Fit, walking and Beginner Pilates with Ana Caban.

MARCH 2010

In March, we found out that J would be going on a one-year to Korea. We made the decision that I would move back to Texas, because we knew we wanted to move overseas after his year there and I wanted to have time with friends and family before moving so far away.

JUNE 2010

JUNE 2010

In July, we left DC and moved me into my duplex in Texas. I started working at my old job and didn't really work-out much, because I didn't have a lot of time with work, and I didn't make the time.

I still did my best to eat well, cook meals, & have healthy snacks. 



In September, a friend convinced me to try out a week at her gym for free. I have NEVER been a gym person. I never wanted to be a gym person. I thought it was overrated and ridiculous.

So, imagine my surprise when I discovered how much I loved it! So much in fact, that I signed up for a membership. I started lifting weights, which I had never in my life done. And, I worked up to running on the treadmill. I have never in my life been a jogger/runner. I loved the gym! At first, I went in the mornings before working evening shift at work and in the afternoons when I got off work on the days I worked mornings.

In the first week at the gym, my measurements and weight were recorded. I started out at 147.00. 


In October, my weight and measurements were taken again. This time I weighed 140.00. I had dropped 7 pounds and about 15 inches from all over my body in total.

In November, I made the decision to leave the job that was originally supposed to provide me with spending money while in Texas and something to do part-time to pass the time while J and I were apart. What it became was more of a full-time job that was not allowing me to spend the time I wanted to spend with friends and family while I was still in the states. I also had serious stress/nerve issues that I had never had before and haven't had since leaving that job. So, leaving there allowed me more time to focus on gym time, getting fit and spending time with everyone.


In January, J came home for his mid-tour, and we made the decision for me to come spend a month with him in California while he did some training for work. I worked out at the gym in the hotel when I had the energy, as I was dealing with anxiety/depression while there. (I am trying to be completely honest while writing this, because I hope that people see that it's okay to slip-up, but not give-up! :))


In March, we found out we were moving to Germany in July.

In May, all my household goods were packed up and sent to Germany. At the end of May, I went to work at summer camp again. While there, I worked in the office and didn't get a whole lot of physical activity, however, I did my best to make good choices when it came to meals/snacks to make up for not being able to get work-outs in. In the evenings when I could, I took walks and tried to be active.

My sister and I took the Queen Mary 2 over and had an amazing time. It was pretty awesome to be down around 38 pounds from where I was 2 years before.



After arriving in Germany and things settled down/we moved into our house. I began going to the gym on base/doing cardio on the elliptical at home. I also incorporated weights while going to the gym and Pilates while at home. 




In the fall, I continued working out at the gym, but preferred the elliptical and home work-outs to the gym. It was frustrating to have to fight for machines and have to time when I arrived just right so I didn't have to fight for parking or machines. I loved my gym in Texas, I was usually one of the only ones there, it was so nice! 

I did still work out 5-6 days a week at home, when I slowly stopped going to the gym. I worked out on the elliptical for cardio. And, did Pilates and sometimes Wii Fit.





In January, one of the things I wanted to start this year was to tone up/build more muscle tone. At the end of December, I had lost about 45 pounds since September 2009. Originally my goal weight was 130, with 125 being my 'dream weight.' So, I had reached 120 pounds. I wasn't really concerned with losing anymore weight.

In January, I decided to try out BodyRock.tv's 30 Day Challenge that began at the first of the month. BodyRock uses moves like squats, squat jumps, tuck jumps, lunges, push-ups, burpees, high knees, switch lunges, tricep dips, ab exercises, etc. and combines them in what is usually a 12 minute interval work-out to get your heart rate up and burn fat while building muscle.

I am now hooked!

In addition to BodyRocking, I do some form of Pilates 5 days a week (most often Maintenance Weight Loss Pilates with Ana Caban), 3-4 days of 30 minute cardio interval training on the elliptical and 3-4 days of 20+ minutes of Zumba for the Wii.

So, this is after a month of BodyRock.tv and 2 years of busting my booty to get fit!

I have no desire to be stick thin, but I want to be strong and fit. That is my goal. It is a lifetime goal. I made a life change. I don't want to go back to old habits or have to fit into my old jeans ever again. 

In January, I also started cutting out so much white sugar. I try to eat more veggies and fruit. And, if I can make it myself, I do. I would rather not eat something processed with ingredients that will likely harm my body later on. 

I'm not perfect. I don't eat super wonderfully everyday, but when I screw up, I don't give up. I just do better the next day. I love chips and salsa. I love baking. I love desserts. I love wine. I have just learned to have the things I love in moderation and not EVERY TIME I want them. I don't eat fast food unless I really, really want it and then, I have to make the conscious decision to purchase and eat it. We don't fry things or own a fryer, which makes a big difference and I would rather have baked anything any day.

So, here is what I look like now. I am in a bikini, so if that type of thing offends you, please don't look. However, these pictures really show my progress and the muscle definition that is FINALLY beginning to show. :)

I started at 165 pounds in September 2009. I now weigh 115.4 in February 2012. I started at a size 12. I am now a size 4. If you want it, you will get it. But, you have to bust your butt for it, it doesn't just happen! :)












Doris said...

OMGOSH Heather! You are so inspring. Thanks for sharing your story. You are looking fantabulous. Go you. I am so happy for you and pleased to read about your journey. Thanks so much for sharing.

Hugs hugs

Heather said...

Thank you, Doris. I wasn't so sure about this blog in its entirety, most especially the bikini pics, I'm not 'that girl..' But, hey, if people are offended, they were warned. :)

Victoria O'Neal said...

I'm so proud of you! You look amazing :) Great journey of a lifestyle change and not a quick fix! Love you friend!

Heather said...

Aww! Thanks my ITB friend! It is a lifestyle change, for sure! :) I love you, too! :)

Heather said...

It really means a lot to have you guys' support and kind words. Thank you. :)