
Schnapps House.

On Friday night, J & I went out to a local distillery known for their schnapps with several of his co-workers. The distillery makes its own schnapps and liquor. They also sell their delicious liquids in really neat bottles/shapes.

I am very ready for spring, so I have been rocking the brights lately. Friday was no exception, I wore my pretty pink blazer for the second day this week.

the machine that brews the brews :)

firetruck holding a bottle of schnapps

schnapps in a globe

our schnapps. 

J & I tried 10 liquors this go 'round. We tried plum, anise-fig, blackberry, chocolate, almond, jalapeno-mango, gummi bear, honeydew, blood orange, & cranberry. Our favorites were: chocolate, gummi bear & cranberry. 

We have been once before and got more schnapps to try then, as it is a schnapps house. We weren't fans, they are very rubbing alcohol-esque and they weren't our thing. This time though, we loved our selections! 

We even went home with this little gem..

How fun, right?! :)

I hope you all are having a sweet weekend!



Alyx said...

Jalapeno-mango? Hmmmm sounds not so delicious!
And who knew they made gummi bear schnapps?!

Heather said...

Haha. Maybe I like it because it's definitely a combination you would see in Texas. :)

And, I know, the gummi bear is delicious! Apparently, it is made with some sort of fruit also used to flavor actual gummi bears, which is how they get the taste. It was definitely a cool experience to learn all about how it is made, then taste them. :)