
In the Merry Month of March

I can't wait to see you. When you come, you are bringing many wonderful things.

HOPEFULLY, if not before, you will be bringing my Maya Brenner sterling silver Texas necklace
that I ordered a LONG while back.

You will bring this wonderful little lady.

And, a visit with crazy Miss Chris.

You bring dinners at Murphy's with the ladies & a St. Patrick's Day dinner.

Guinness cupcakes.

St Patrick's Day Parade and festivities in DC.

Alexandria's St Patrick's Day Parade.

A trip to NYC!

The start of the Cherry Blossom Festival.

Sunnier, warmer days (at least no more 20+ inches of snow!)

Cute little dresses, even if the weather still warrants sweaters and jackets, and of course, it will.

OH! And, I almost forgot, my 24th BIRTHDAY!

Please hurry March! I am so anxious I don't know if I can make it!


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