
you used to call me your dreamer, & now i'm livin' out my dream.

i love living in europe. it is so wonderful. so far, i haven't had been a homesick mess, but i do miss some things about the good 'ole us of a.

+hamburgers! it is honestly so hard to find an american style hamburger here! the meat the europeans use is strange, or maybe it is the way they season the meat and the spices they use? because of this, j & i did actually eat lunch at hard rock cafe in paris, just to get one. shameful, i know. i don't feel guilty at all though, that hamburger was dang good! :)

+my momma. we spent most weekends together when i was in texas last year. i miss it. most sundays were spent sitting on the couch, reading magazines, looking at avon campaigns, snacking & watching tv. a perfect lazy day!

+my sister. we spent at least one day a week shopping. this is definitely a stress reliever for both of us. until i check my bank statements, that is. :)

+ross & marshalls. oh my goodness! what i would not give to walk into and spend several hours in each of these stores and just look at EVERYTHING. i spent atleast one day a week perusing the racks of goodness at these two shopping havens.

+hearing english spoken everywhere. i know, this one makes me sound a little silly. it's just a comfort to me, to hear my native language being spoken and being able to understand conversations around me. that said, i am doing my best to speak the language of whatever country we are in. i do not want to be one of those irritating americans that don't make any attempt whatsoever to be courteous and polite to the people of the country they are in. and, the easiest way to be polite & actually have people help you, is to attempt to speak the native language of the country you are in. 

+shoes! i have had the hardest time finding good, low-priced & cute shoes here. this is so weird to me, because germans wear some ridiculously cute shoes, but for the life of me, i do not know how they afford them based upon the prices of shoes i have seen here. i would rather buy bags and scarves. they are aplenty, which is fab!

so, those are a few things i miss.

here are a few things that i LOVE about living here!

+travel! we are so close to places i never in my life dreamed i would see. paris, for one. last week marked our second trip to this stunningly beautiful city.

+food. the produce here is wonderful. the things you buy in the grocery store that are packaged, aren't like what you are used to in the states. i have bought yogurt here with an actual fresh whipped topping on it. don't ask me how they do it, but it is amazing! in restaurants, they use fresh, local ingredients which makes everything taste 100 times better! the tomatoes? insane! love them!

+the autobahn. seriously. i know, i know. but, come on, who doesn't want to get in their little sports car and zoom, zoom down the highway? and, the thing is, i feel way safer going at the accelerated speeds here than on roads back home. and, for the most part, people are more courteous drivers.

+the wine. honestly, 5-6 euro for a good bottle of wine? perfection.

+german chocolate! need i say more?

+our german house. i love waking up and walking down my little winding staircase, down the hall and opening the door into the living room to eat breakfast and start my day. i don't think many days begin without a smile. i feel so blessed!

+being inspired by everything. 

that is my little list of things on my mind today. it is not a complete compilation of what i miss about the states and what i love about here.

[title: lyrics from miley cyrus' i miss you]


Alyx said...

Try to find a FourStar shoe store near you - they have really cute shoes for really freakin cheap!

Heather said...

Ahh! Thanks, Alyx! Will do. :)